Raising awareness for cognitive impairment after acquired brain injury

Raising awareness for cognitive impairment after acquired brain injury

  • On 11/03/2019


The Brain Awareness Week is a worldwide campaign to inform people of the progress in and advantages of brain research.


The Neuropsychology Lab will be using this week to raise public awareness of the cognitive consequences occurring after acquired brain injury such as stroke, trauma or a brain tumour. We will also take the opportunity to thank the patients with acquired brain injury and their carers who participate in our research.

Our activities include

  • Monday 11 March 2PM-4PM: Workshop on cognitive impairment after acquired brain injury for patients and their carers at UZ Leuven – Campus Pellenberg

  • Thursay 14 March 2PM-4.30PM: Contribution to Workshop on acquired brain injury for patients and their carers at Revarte Rehabilitation Hospital https://www.sig-net.be/nl/vorming/wat-is-nah-basisinformatie-_5413.aspx

  • Sunday 17 March 10AM-4PM: Interactive exhibits and demonstrations on our stroke research (including a demo on Virtual Reality!) at UZ Leuven – Campus Gasthuisberg, by contributing to the Dag van de Zorg organized by UZ Leuven https://www.uzleuven.be/nl/dagvandezorg



