HEMIRehApp is a virtual reality game for patients with hemispatial neglect. Patients with hemispatial neglect have problems to orient their attention to one side of space as a result of an acquired brain injury. HEMIRehApp offers:
- A precise assessment of spatial attention across the visual field.
HEMIRehApp measures spatial attention in a large spatial area for dynamic events. This resembles how we use our attention in daily life.
- An engaging multisensory patient-tailored training to improve hemispatial neglect.
Results of the assessment module are used to individualize a multisensory spatial training.
How was HEMIRehApp designed?
A KU Leuven team of researchers designed HEMIRehApp based on several scientific principles. These principles were combined into a VR game to train spatial and sustained attention.
Because we believe in the importance of evidence-based clinical practice, we are engaged in several studies to validate and improve HEMIRehApp. At the moment we have demonstrated that:
- HEMIRehApp is safe and accessible for stroke survivors.
It induces no cybersickness and is enjoyed by stroke survivors. The app was designed specifically for stroke patients considering common post-stroke impairments to optimize the accessibility.
Our efforts to create a patient-friendly VR game have been recognized by the Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare.
- HEMIRehApp assessment is sensitive.
HEMIRehApp assessment can pick up spatial attention problems that are not identified with current clinical tests.
- Training with HEMIRehApp can be motivating.
The gamification makes task repetitions more enjoyable for patients.
- Spatial training is more effective than non-spatial training in VR.
We have shown that neglect symptoms in VR improved more in our VR spatial training, validating a central therapeutic principle of the HEMIRehApp training module.
Are you interested in HEMIRehApp?
We are open to collaborations with clinical, commercial and academic partners! Feel free to contact us:
Want to know more about our research?
Here you can read our published articles:
- Huygelier, H., Van den Abeele, V., van Ee, R., & Gillebert, C.R. (2020). The efficacy and feasibility of an immersive virtual reality game to train spatial attention orientation after stroke: a stage 1 pre-registered report. Journal of Neuropsychology. (OSF)
- Huygelier, H., Schraepen, B., Lafosse, B., Vaes, N., Schillebeeckx, F., Michiels, K., Note, E., Vanden Abeele, V., van Ee, R., & Gillebert, C.R. (2020). An immersive virtual reality game to train spatial attention orientation after stroke: a feasibility study. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. (DOI)
- Huygelier, H., Schraepen, B., van Ee, R., Vanden Abeele, V., & Gillebert, C.R. (2019). Acceptance of immersive head-mounted virtual reality in older adults. Scientific Reports, 9, 4519. (PDF)
Our first validation and efficacy study are in preparation:
- Huygelier, H., Tuts, N., Michiels, K., Note, E., Schillebeeckx, F., Tournoy, J., Vanden Abeele, V., van Ee, R., & Gillebert, C.R. (under review). The efficacy and feasibility of an immersive virtual reality game to train spatial attention orientation after stroke: a stage 2 report.