Mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

  • On 13/06/2022

Mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Céline Gillebert and Hanne Huygelier are co-organizers of a Special Interest Event at the FENS Forum 2022 in Paris (France) (July 12, 18:45-20:30, Paris) 



How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected mentorship?

This session will feature a panel of speakers of both principal investigators (junior and senior, experiment and theory) as well as PhD students and postdocs to cover the perspective of both sides as mentors and mentees. After introducing themselves, the panellists will first answer several questions addressing the various aspects of the challenges the academic world is now facing. The discussion will then be brought to the participants, who will join round tables together with the panellists.

The discussion will include: less time spent on supervision, fatigue from online meetings and sitting at the screen, loss of personal interactions, less time in the lab, and no in-person conferences and networking.

Time will be allocated to discuss how the pandemic enhanced the already existing gaps (gender or minority-based, families) and the positive outcomes of the new mentoring situation – including accessibility to world-class conferences and summer schools to audiences across the world, bigger awareness of mental health, etc. The close of the discussion will focus on the positive outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic and aspects that the organisers hope to keep beyond the pandemic.

The event can accommodate a limited number of attendees. Registration for the session is now open. No registration fee envisioned. 

Registration deadline: 20 June 2022

Register here.

o Hanne Huygelier (KU Leuven, Belgium; Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
o Sapir Sela-Vasiliu (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
o Christoph Miehl (MPI for Brain Research Frankfurt, Germany)
o Julijana Gjorgjieva (FENS-Kavli Scholar, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany)
o Meital Oren-Suissa (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
o Céline Gillebert (FENS-Kavli Scholar, KU Leuven, Belgium)\
o Anna Beyeler (FENS-Kavli Scholar, Neurocentre Magendie, INSERM, France)
o Yoav Livneh (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
o Carlos Ribeiro (FENS-Kavli Scholar Alumni, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Portugal)
o Geert Ramakers (FENS-CHET member, UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands)